As an SME company, more and more is expected in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR). People Planet Profit, circular economy (cradle to cradle), social return on investment, etc. are well-known concepts that are important for CSR. It is important that people as a company realize how they act and that they are aware of the influence you have as a company on the environment around you and the world. Meulenbroek Machinebouw BV is aware of its responsibilities and is happy to share them with you.

Meulenbroek is a machine building factory that strives to carry out its processes in accordance with the CSR ideology. As an independent company, we have made the following choices for the 3Ps (people, planet, profit):


Meulenbroek Machinebouw BV is a company that attaches great importance to social entrepreneurship. For example, Meulenbroek regularly fulfills its staffing needs by working together with Werkplein Twente. Werkplein Twente characterizes social entrepreneurship by helping people with unemployment benefits, social assistance benefits or work disabilities find a suitable job.

Meulenbroek also consciously chooses to allow students to gain practical experience within the business world. Meulenbroek is known as a recognized training company that trains professionals. Training is not only an investment for Meulenbroek and the students themselves, but also for the technical sector in the Netherlands due to the increasing shortage of technical personnel.

As an organization, we like to see our employees enjoy going to work. We therefore believe it is important that attention is paid to our employees on an individual basis. Individual attention is appreciated and maintain a good relationship with mutual respect for each other. Employees are also offered to continue to develop themselves through further training. Meulenbroek Machinebouw is therefore characterized as a social enterprise that invests in its human capital.



Through our profit, new investments are made to continue to meet the set environmental requirements. For example, investments have been made in an electric forklift truck instead of a forklift truck that runs on diesel. A new compartment has also been purchased to meet the requirements for the storage of hazardous substances.

We believe it is important that sustainability does not come at the expense of profit. That is why we always look for a healthy relationship that benefits all parties involved. After all, sustainability means manufacturing products of good quality that last longer with minimal impact on the environment. Our customers can confirm that our products are of good quality and last a long time. We also continuously strive for a minimal impact on the environment.



Meulenbroek makes a positive contribution to the environment by compressing waste. Compressing waste results in fewer waste transports and therefore less CO2 emissions.

In addition, Meulenbroek manufactures in an environmentally conscious manner where sustainability is an important keyword. For example, our production process is set up according to the Lean philosophy, whereby the product is designed in such a way that it is produced in a smart (fast) way with less impact on the environment. For example, lead times, welding and grinding work have been reduced by 25%.

By means of modular construction, Meulenbroek is able to easily adapt an existing waste compactor to the wishes of the customer. The basis of the product remains the same, but the customer-specific wish is easy to apply / exchange. Unnecessary welding and grinding work is prevented by means of bolt and nut connections. The modular parts are also reused for used machines.

In addition to sustainable production, there is also a sustainable product. The durability of our products is achieved through the good quality and long lifespan. Because Meulenbroek machines have a longer lifespan than competitors’ machines, fewer raw materials are used. At the moment there are machines that have been in operation for 26 years.




our certificates

Meulenbroek Machinebouw B.V.

De Giem 7
7547 SW, Enschede
Tel: 053 4305 499
Fax: 053 4314 933

Get in touch with us!

Do you have a question or would you like to contact us for another reason?
Do not hesitate and go to our contact form.
+31 (0)53 4305 499
De Giem 7, 7547 SW Enschede

Machinebouw B.V.

De Giem 7
7547 SW, Enschede
Tel: 053 4305 499
Fax: 053 4314 933

Get in touch with us!


Do you have a question or would you like to contact us for another reason?
Do not hesitate and go to our contact form.
+31 (0)53 4305 499
De Giem 7, 7547 SW Enschede